St. Erth Votes “Yes”!

May 25th 2018

The St Erth Neighbourhood Plan received a resounding YES vote in yesterday’s Referendum.

373 parishioners turned out on Thursday to answer the question:

“Do you want Cornwall Council to use the neighbourhood plan for St Erth to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?” – and the results were as follows:

  • 326 voted YES  87%
  • 47 voted NO    13%

The turnout was 33%

The Plan has now been passed to Cornwall Council for adoption.

The Chairman of the Parish Council, Councillor Kevin Buzza said: “This is a really important result for the future of St Erth. Cornwall Council will now adopt the St Erth Neighbourhood Plan as its own planning policy and will have to judge every planning application in the parish in accordance with the Plan. This is a major step forward for the community’s involvement in the planning process. “

The first Chairman of the Steering Group, Councillor Mick Hanley said: “I’m absolutely delighted with this result following the months of hard work and community involvement with the production of the Plan. The adoption of the Plan ensures that the wishes of the community will shape how the parish develops over the next 12 years. “

The last Chairman of the Steering Group, Councillor Ted Taylor added: “I would like to thank everyone who voted to support their Plan. Such an overwhelming “yes” vote sends out a clear message to developers that residents value the things which make St Erth such a special place to live and work and that we intend to keep it that way.”

View the official declaration of Poll


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