Policies and Procedures

Policies and Procedures

This Addendum to Standing Orders reflects the regulations and authority given to local councils to to hold remote meetings and amend standing orders as required.

How to apply for an allotment. Any person who is resident in the Parish is eligible to become a Tenant. The Tenant must be the person who will undertake work on the Plot.

The Localism Act 2011 requires the Council to adopt a Code of Conduct for Members that is consistent with the following principles.

The Council recognises that from time to time there may be concerns expressed by members of the public over the activities of the Council or one of its members or employees. This policy outlines the  procedure for handling complaints.

The Council needs to collect and use certain types of information about people with whom it deals in order to operate. This policy explains our Data Protection Policy.

These Financial Regulations govern the conduct of financial management by the Council and may only be amended or varied by resolution of the Council.

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 provides public access to information held by public authorities. The Parish Council has adopted the Model Publication Scheme and this policy outlines your rights.

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that St Erth Parish Council has a fair and transparent process to awarding grants.

This policy outlines the Council's provision to hold visual meetings in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

St Erth Parish Council is required to maintain adequate financial reserves to meet the needs of the organisation. The purpose of this policy is to set out how the Council will determine and review the level of reserves.

Standing Orders are the written rules of a local council. They are used to confirm a council's internal organisational, administrative and procurement procedures and procedural matters for meetings.

This policy outlines the Council's responsibilities as regards the operation and information on the website and how this impacts on visitors.