Grant Policy & Application Form

(A pdf version of this policy is available for download here)



St Erth Parish Council (the Council) recognises the importance of supporting groups, organisations and charities that benefit the local community and that making grants is a valuable method of support.

The total figure available for grant aid is agreed by the Council as part of its budget setting process each financial year and can be found on the relevant year’s budget spreadsheet on the Council website.

The purpose of this document is to ensure that the Council has a fair and transparent process to awarding grants.


The Scheme is open to any non-political, non-profit making group, organisation or charity based in or working in the Parish of St Erth.

Organisations can apply for any project or activity which is for the benefit of St Erth parish residents, provided they can demonstrate both a clear need for financial support and that the grant will enable them to deliver one or more of the following:

  • provide a service;
  • enhance quality of life;
  • improve the environment;
  • promote St Erth in a positive way.

It is not normal Council policy to provide financial assistance towards the day to day running costs of any organisation.

Whilst the scheme is aimed primarily at community related organisations based in the Parish of St Erth, an organisation from outside may apply provided they can demonstrate a significant economic or social benefit specifically for the parish.

As the Council holds the General Power of Competence, individual grants may be considered for applicants that live in the Parish.

Applications will be considered from religious groups where a clear benefit to the wider local community can be demonstrated, irrespective of religious beliefs.  Grants for the upkeep, maintenance or improvement of religious facilities will not be awarded.

Grants will not be made to local groups whose fund raising is sent to their central headquarters for redistribution.

Grant applications will not be considered on a retrospective basis for a project or activity that has already been completed.


Only applications made on the appropriate grant application form will be considered; this form is available from the Clerk or on the Council’s website.

An application form must be completed in full and submitted to the Clerk, preferably electronically, before it can be included on a monthly agenda for consideration.

Applications must be accompanied by the following supporting documents, where applicable:

  • written constitution;
  • copy of previous year’s accounts;
  • most recent bank statement;
  • evidence of other funding if matched funding being applied for.

The Council will advise the applicant when the application will be considered and may invite the applicant to attend the relevant meeting to introduce the application and answer any questions the Council may have.

Applicants will be notified within 10 working days of the meeting of the outcome.

The Council may consider requests for larger grants in exceptional circumstances where it can be demonstrated that more funds are required and the benefit to the local community would justify a larger award.  In such circumstances, further information may be requested and the applicant may be required to attend the relevant meeting at which the application is considered.


Each application will be assessed on its own merits / needs, taking account of the Council’s Environmental Vision Statement and other relevant policies.

Applications must demonstrate clearly how a grant will be of benefit to the local community within the Parish.

Organisations must have their own bank account in the organisation’s name.

Only one grant will be given to an organisation in any one financial year, except in exceptional circumstances, but organisations may submit an application for grant aid each year.

Terms & Conditions for Successful Applicants

Grant monies will be issued in the form of a bank transfer to the named organisation’s account.  Monies awarded to an organisation will not be released to an individual.

All grants must be spent within 3 months, except in exceptional circumstances that must be agreed in advance with the Council.

Applicants must not change the use of their grant award without the written permission of the Council.

Applicants, on request, must send the Council a written report on the use of their grant within 3 months of completing the relevant project.

Applicants must acknowledge the Council in any publicity they release about their project and agree to the Council publicising details of any grants awarded.

If applicants provide any false information in their application, this may lead to the withdrawal of the grant offered.

Applicants must guarantee that, should any grant offered not be used in accordance with the terms & conditions set by the Council, they will repay the outstanding amount to the Council on demand.  In addition, failure to comply with the terms and conditions will likely impact on any future applications the applicant may submit.

Grants may be awarded subject to additional conditions and requirements as the Council sees appropriate.

Adopted 16th February 2021 213/20-21a)
Reviewed 1st February 2022 182/02/21-22f)
Reviewed 6th February 2024 173/02/23-24e)
Next Review due February 2026


Apply For A Grant

You can complete the online form below or download this application form and return to the Clerk.