How The Plan Was Developed
Communities can shape development in their areas through the production of Neighbourhood Development Plans, Neighbourhood Development Orders and Community Right to Build Orders.
Find out more how we gathered information that would inform the NDP process and alert us to potential issues.
The Parish Council will be finalising a vision statement after the draft Neighbourhood Plan policies have been agreed, following public consultation, in the Spring of 2016.
Read more about the key NDP objectives as regards housing, infrastructure, open spaces, economic development et al.
Find out more about the consultation process and draft plans associated with the neighbourhood Development Planning process.
Find out more about the consultation process, feedback from the external examiner and the submission process.
Poist submission of the draft Neighbourhood Plan Proposal to the Local Planning Authority, a check will be carried out by a Planning Officer to establish whether the plan is technically compliant.
More than 50% of people voting in the referendum supported the plan or order, compelling the local planning authority to bring it into force.