The Parish Council will be finalising a vision statement after the draft Neighbourhood Plan policies have been agreed, following public consultation, in the Spring of 2016.
The Parish Council believes that the vision for the Parish (in other words, how the Parish should look in 20 years’ time) must be informed by the views of the community in order for it to be a shared vision and to achieve a sense of common purpose between the Council and the public it serves.
OBJECTIVE 1: Housing Sites
To identify appropriate sites for future housing, giving particular weight to the traffic implications, given constraints arising from the parish’s narrow roads, old bridge, on-street parking and lack of public transport.
OBJECTIVE 2: Housing Types and Tenures
To understand, plan and provide for locally generated housing needs, by managing development and encouraging a mix of sustainable housing types and tenures that will help residents remain within the area through different life stages.
OBJECTIVE 3: Open Spaces
To protect and enhance important areas of local green space (such as the riverbank and allotments) which are highly valued and much used by local people.
OBJECTIVE 4: Community Buildings and Facilities
To retain buildings with a community focus (such as the ‘School Room’) which are a significant asset underpinning the vitality of the local community.
OBJECTIVE 5: Economic Development
To ensure that any large scale, commercial and/or industrial developments (individually or cumulatively) are sympathetically sited and do not impact significantly on landscape character.