Hayle River Project – Update from Cornwall Council

October 04th 2022
Cornwall Council (via the WestCountry Rivers Trust) has now completed works on the Western bank at Carbis Mill.  Site-sourced material including willow and hazel coppice have been used to secure the section of embankment and will be subject to ongoing assessment of effectiveness over the course of the winter.  This method has already been implemented successfully at other sections along the Hayle, hence why we believe this was the natural first step as we continue to develop our approach to reopen this key footpath in line with the recent consultation.
The vast majority of project funding for the Hayle River Vision Plan came from the EA’s Water Environment Improvement Fund (WEIF), a fund that encourages partnerships to take an integrated catchment-based approach to improve the quality of our water environment. The EA and Cornwall Council commissioned the project to inform the most effective strategies for managing the river and the right of way system – before implementing or investing in any medium- or long-term solutions. The project is currently being finalised and we intend to share the report and its recommendations as soon as we can.


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