Report It! – Parish Council and Cornwall Council responsibilities

January 11th 2022

Following all the recent rain and issues on the roads, just a reminder to everyone that the areas the Parish Council is responsible for include the play parks, cemetery, allotments, public toilets, cutting designated public foot paths (list of paths that the PC cut can be found here) and the neighbourhood plan.

The things that Cornwall Council is responsible for, amongst others, include:

Roads & parking – abandoned vehicles, illegal parking, flooding & drainage, debris on the roads, potholes & road surfaces, road signs & markings, street lighting, overgrown hedges & verges, public rights of way issues

Planning enforcement – where planning permission hasn’t been granted or work does not comply with the approved  plans

Rubbish, recycling & waste – missed collections, fly tipping, street cleaning

People & community – dog mess, graffiti noise & nuisance complaints, anti-social behaviour,

It is much quicker for the person that spots the issue to report the matter directly to Cornwall Council as you will have all the information first hand required to complete the online form.  In addition, it makes no difference if something is reported by a resident or the Parish Council in terms of how long it takes to address it.  If, of course, you don’t have internet access or need assistance with the forms then we will do our best to assist.

Please note that commenting on Facebook posts is not the best form of contact with the Parish Council.  St Erth Parish Council is the official SEPC Facebook page and is used for sharing information with the community.  St Erth News is a community page, not run by the Parish Council, and any comments left there for the Parish Council will not be seen, and any comments made by Councillors here are purely in a personal capacity.

If you wish to raise an issue with the Parish Council please do so by emailing the Clerk, Fiona Drew, on or leave a message on the answerphone on 01736 757575.


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