In April 2021 the Parish Council took on the maintenance of the public footpath network in the parish on behalf of Cornwall Council under the Local Maintenance Partnership (LMP) Scheme.
The Council has a cutting schedule to cover gold and silver paths within the parish and paths will be maintained consistent with their level of use and legal status (e.g. footpath or bridleway).
A full list of paths that the Parish Council are responsible for can be downloaded here along with an associated map which can be found here (you do need to zoom in on the map). This is a work in progress so if you are aware of any errors on this list please do let the Clerk know. Please note that not all paths that are highlighted as gold on the Cornwall interactive map qualify for funding.
In addition, please do give us any feedback on the state of the paths themselves as we are aware that a number of the paths were very overgrown after years of neglect and it is hoped that by taking on the path cutting, paths within the parish will become better maintained and accessible to more people. If it is a path that we have funding for then we can take action, although where a footpath runs alongside a field the landowner of that field is responsible for any side growth which encroaches onto the footpath. Please note that any maintenance issues relating to damaged or missing signage, gates and stiles can be report to Cornwall Council using the link here.
See Cornwall Council’s interactive map for full details of all local footpaths – link available here.