We are looking for residents who would be interested in joining a Community Working Group to focus on Section 2 of the River Hayle, which, as outlined in the Hayle River Vision Plan shown above, runs from St Erth bridge to the Green Lane gauging station. This section is 0.9km in length, has a shallow gradient and comprises a slow flowing river draining north through St Erth with a well used permissive footpath that extends along the left bank of the river.
A number of issues have been identified here including bank erosion for various reasons, and as the Sole Trustees for the St Erth Playing Fields Association, whose land runs adjacent to part of this stretch of the river, SEPC is keen to work with all stakeholders, to include other landowners, the community and the Environment Agency, to look at ways to address these issues and apply for potential funding in order to do this.
If you would like to be part of this group please contact the Clerk on clerk@sterth-pc.gov.uk or ring and leave a message on 01736 757575.