The Parish Council has been pushing for a long time to get Cornwall Council to address the road surfacing on Chapel Hill & Fore Street, and thanks to the support of our Cornwall Councillor John Martin this work has finally been agreed. It is due to be carried out over five days from the bottom of Chapel Hill through to the end of the 20mph zone on St Erth Hill. Details of the proposed timings of the work is shown above but more information about the work can be found here.
Work will commence on Thursday 22nd June and finish on Wednesday 28th June. Road closures will be from 9.30am – 4pm on weekdays only. At all other times the road will be open as normal. All through traffic will need to follow the diversion signs that will be in place during the road closures, whilst residents and business who need local access will be supported with this by the team on site.
Whilst we are aware that this is more disruption for residents who have already endured a lot of road closures recently, we hope that the resurfacing work that is being carried out will make it worth it in the long run. We have been advised that letters are being delivered to any affected properties.