St Erth School Centenary

January 27th 2022

We have been asked to share the following news article by St Erth School who are celebrating their Centenary this year.  For further information please go to their website:

This is a special year for us, as we celebrate 100 years.  The School was opened on 3 April 1922 and we want to mark the centenary with some special events – Covid permitting.  At this stage plans are very much at an early stage, but we are hoping to have a thanksgiving service in the village Church on Sunday, 3 April and then hold a celebratory event here at School on the following Saturday, 9 April.  All the children will be involved in both events.  The main event on 9 April will include an exhibition and display, telling the history of the School, and there will be entertainment and refreshments but, most importantly, the chance for current and former pupils, staff and friends of the School to get together and share their memories.  

Mrs Culmer, the School Secretary, has also been busy over the past year, piecing together the history of the School and her book, ‘One Hundred Years & Counting, A History of St Erth School: 1922 – 2022’ will be available to purchase nearer the time.  The book aims to raise funds for the School and will provide a comprehensive overview of all the events that took place at School, as well as those in the wider world that have shaped it.  Further details soon.

We sincerely hope that the whole community of St Erth and the school are able to come together  and celebrate the centenary. It has been more apparent than ever over the past 2 years of disruption by Covid, how integral a role the school plays in the whole community. Through her research for the book Mrs Culmer has been struck by the strong memories former pupils have of the school and their lasting affection for it. Please mark the dates in your diary, cross your fingers for good weather and come and join us at these special events.


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