Cormac Solutions, on behalf of Cornwall Council, is inviting comment on updated proposals to extend the footway on Chenhalls Road which have been revised from the previous consultation. The aim is to create a pinch point, or build-out, to help maintain slow speeds on this part of Chenhalls Road. Part of the new footway will be constructed on the build-out. Traffic passing the build-out will be reduced to single file, with priority given to southbound vehicles. They no longer propose to construct the flat top road hump that was shown on previous drawings, thereby reducing noise and vibration for local residents. In addition, instead of speed cushions, 20mph roundel markings will be painted on the road surface. The 20mph Zone and the other parts of the village improvements scheme are still going ahead as planned.
Please click here to see details of how you can respond either electronically or in writing. The deadline for responses is Friday 7th January 2022.