Road Closures Hayle St Erth Area July 2020

July 01st 2021

An overnight road closure will be in place on Penpol Terrace and Carnsew
Road from Tuesday 6th until Tuesday 13th July while resurfacing work
takes place.
Works will be carried out under a full road closure between the hours of 7pm and 5am.
We know that noise associated with night-time working can cause disruption to residents and we
understand this can be frustrating. Please be assured we aim to complete the noisiest operations as early as
possible and will try to minimise any impact should the works overrun due to unforeseen circumstances.
We will have marshals on site to support residents and businesses. All through traffic
will need to follow the diversions in place at all times.

To view area affected please click in image below

Road closure road sign

Rroad Closures

Other Road Closures

The Causeway Hayle roadworks 5th – 16th July 7pm – 6am

Pilgrims Way, Fraddam Roadworks – 4th August 9.30am – 3.30pm



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