Refuse and recycling over Christmas and New Year

December 20th 2019

Collection information
As in previous years, there will be no waste and recycling collections on Christmas Day or Boxing Day.

Collections due on Boxing Day

Rubbish due to be collected on Boxing Day will be collected on Thursday 2 January.
Recycling due to be collected on Boxing Day will be collected on Saturday 28 December.
Garden waste due to be collected on Boxing Day will be collected on Saturday 28 December.
We will collect your waste and recycling as usual if your collection is due on any other day of the week over the Christmas period.

It might be that the time of collection is earlier or later than usual, but as long as you have your bins and recycling (and garden waste if you subscribe to this service) out by 7am, we’ll collect as usual.

Are Household Waste and Recycling Centres (HWRCs) open over the Christmas period?
Yes – the only days our HWRCs close are on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day. With these exceptions, the centres are open seven days a week from 9am to 4pm.



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