Parish Plan


The St Erth Parish Plan project was set up by the Parish Council in 2004 to find out the hopes, needs and concerns of the people of St Erth. The Parish Plan 2006 set out the priorities residents chose as the Plan of Action for the next decade.

The Process – Then

The Parish Plan Steering Group drew up a comprehensive list of themes of particular interest or concern to residents, and the Parish Survey 2005 was distributed to every resident in St Erth Parish.

The Event Day took place in January 2006 at the Old School in St Erth for residents to choose and comment on their top priorities. Post-it notes were provided for extra comments and suggestions. Representatives from community organisations, St Erth Parish Council, Penwith District Council and Cornwall County Council came along to discuss concerns and give advice. A hog roast and other refreshments were provided to help the day along.

The actions chosen were not fixed for completion within a finite period. As the village evolves, projects will be completed, and new challenges will present themselves. The community will need to review the plan and reassess its objectives as the decade progresses, to reflect the changes in the Parish.

The Process – Now

The work associated with the Parish Plan developed into the Neighbourhood Development Plan – which continues to guide and inform the work of the Council into the future.