Walking around St Erth in spring the blue of native bluebells is abundant in the hedgerows, river banks, footpaths and lanes and frogs and toads can often be spotted along Green Lane.
Through the year the early purple marsh orchid and foxgloves appear along with the flowering hawthorn, blackthorn (its fruit is used in the making of sloe gin),and blackberry. Their flowers along with those of nettles, honeysuckle, campion and buddleia attract the peacock, tortoiseshell, cabbage white and red admiral. The six spotted burnet moth which is active during summer days can be seen feeding on scabious, bird’s-foot trefoil, vetch and clover, and is easily identified by its dark green wings with vibrant red spots. Honey bees from their hives near the river are always busy collecting pollen and nectar to take back to their hives. The resulting honey is collected from their hives by Jenny and sold in the village shop. During the day often visible are heron, little egret and buzzard and in the summer visitors include the chiffchaff, house martin, swallow, swift, wagtail and redstart.
Listen out for the cuckoo, woodpecker, reed warbler and at dusk in the summer the sound of the rooks, crows and starlings gathering to roost, later hear the barn and screech owl and the blackcap is now a frequent visitor to St Erth Pits. An evening stroll along the riverbank is accompanied by pipistrelle bats rushing around, there is also a rare chance of a glimpse of an otter looking for a meal of brown trout and eel. Tell Cornwall Council if you see: Japanese knotweed or Ragwort.