Staffing Committee

Current Members

Councillors Greatrex, Lee, Parris, Player & Rodda

Terms of Reference


Five councillors as nominated at the Annual Meeting


Three councillors


To be agreed at the Annual Meeting – the Chair will be the spokesperson at Full Council meetings.


Determined on need, in consultation with the Clerk, and must be held in person.


The Committee:

  • has no delegated powers or authorities;
  • reports to Full Council;
  • will act at all times in accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders, Code of Conduct, Financial Regulations, GDPR & Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Having regard to the legal framework for, and good practice in, employment matters, and being mindful of the confidential nature of employer-employee matters and the terms and conditions of the Clerk’s contract, the Committee is appointed to:

  • act as the Council’s Disciplinary Panel;
  • act as the Council’s Grievance Panel;
  • have a Sub-Committee of three, to carry out the Clerk’s annual staff appraisal, who will report back to the next Council meeting with any recommendations.


Reviewed and approved by the Council on 7th May 2024 under minute reference 014/05/24-25ai)