SERRCAP Working Group

Current Members

Chair, Vice-Chair, Councillors Murley & Taylor, & the Clerk

Terms of Reference


Chair, Vice-Chair, Councillors Murley & Taylor and the Clerk

Any individuals and / or representatives of community groups may be asked to join the Working Party as and when required.




The Clerk


Determined on need, in consultation with the Clerk, and held either virtually or in person.


The Working Group:

  • is delegated authority to agree actions to achieve the completion of the project as set out in the UK Shared Prosperity Fund application and Grant Funding Offer Letter with Cornwall Council;
  • reports to Full Council;
  • will act at all times in accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders, Code of Conduct, Financial Regulations, GDPR & Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Having regard to the application and Grant Funding Offer Letter:

  • to achieve the timely completion of the project as outlined in Appendix 7;
  • to ensure Outputs / Outcomes & Evidence requirements are completed and reported as outlined in Appendix 5 are completed as required;
  • to ensure that funding claims are submitted to Cornwall Council as and when appropriate as outlined in Appendix 2.


Approved by the Council on 6th August 2024 under minute reference 080/08/24-25d)