Neighbourhood Plan Review Working Group

Current Members

Councillors Greatrex, Murley, Spencer-Smith & Taylor

Terms of Reference


Four councillors as nominated at the Annual meeting; and

Any individuals and / or representatives of community groups may be asked to join the Working Party as and when required.


Three councillors

Lead Councillor:

To be agreed at the Annual meeting – the Lead Councillor will be the spokesperson at Full Council meetings.


Determined on need, in consultation with the Clerk, and may be held either virtually or in person as agreed by the members.


The Working Group:

  • has no delegated powers or authorities;
  • reports to Full Council;
  • will act at all times in accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders, Code of Conduct, Financial Regulations, GDPR & Freedom of Information Act 2000.

To consider if a review is required for the St Erth Neighbourhood Plan 2017-2030, adopted in March 2018 and make recommendations to the Parish Council in this regard.

To ascertain the scope and process for a review through:

  • information provided in training sessions:
  • a ‘health check’ provided by the Cornwall Council Neighbourhood Planning (NP) Team;
  • information from the Cornwall Monitoring Report;
  • liaise with planning officers from the Area Planning Team;
  • looking at grant funding available.


Reviewed and approved by the Council on 7th May 2024 under minute reference 014/05/24-25av)