Highways Improvements Working Group

Current Members

Councillors Buzza, Kersey & Lee


Terms of Reference


Membership of the Working Group shall be:
a) three members of St Erth Parish Council; and
b) any individuals and/or representatives of community groups as and when required, co-opted in an advisory, non-voting capacity.

Conduct of meetings

The Working Group will act at all times in accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders.


To consider and make recommendations to the Parish Council on:

  1. undertaking a mapping exercise to identify: what the current highway related problems are and when, where and why they occur; and potential problems which could arise in the future, resulting from housing and other developments;
  2. identifying potential options to tackle these problems, given the Parish Councils limited financial resources and legal powers, including:
  • improvements to manage more effectively current traffic flow;
  • methods to reduce traffic volume; and
  • a system that can cope with larger volumes at peak times
  1. compiling a priority list of improvement proposals based on traffic survey data and advice from Cornwall Council (as the Highway Authority) and/or others; and
  2. ways to consult and engage residents, Community Groups and neighbouring councils as appropriate, to support and inform this work.

The Council approved this document on 14th May 2019