External Bodies & reporting arrangements

Penwith Community Area Partnership (CAP):

Open to any Councillor to attend; Councillor Murley appointed to attend on behalf of the Council. Meetings are organised by Cornwall Council and will be hybrid. Agenda / reports etc. are sent to the Clerk who forwards to all Councillors.  In addition to the reports made to the Council by the Council’s representatives, the notes of the meetings are forwarded to Councillors.

South West Water Liaison Group:

Councillor Taylor appointed to attend on behalf of the Council.  Meetings are organised by South West Water.  Agenda and notes are sent to the Council’s representatives.  In addition to the reports made to the Council by the Council’s representatives, any notes are forwarded to Councillors.  

A30 Rose an Grouse to Newtown Roundabout Highways Group:

Councillors Kersey & Taylor appointed to attend on behalf of the Council.  Meetings are organised by Ludgvan PC Clerk and held online.  Notification is made by email rather than agenda and the Council’s representatives report back to the Council.  Notes are circulated to all Councillors as available.

SUEZ Community Liaison Group:

Councillors Greatrex, Player & Taylor appointed to attend on behalf of the Council (two to attend each meeting). Meetings are organised by SUEZ. The agenda will be circulated at least 7 days prior to the meeting and the Council’s representatives report back to the Council.  Minutes will be circulated within 28 days and shared with all Councillors. 

Penwith CAP Police Liaison Group:

Councillor Taylor appointed to attend on behalf of the Council. Meetings are organised by the Sector Inspector for Penzance, St Ives, Hayle and the Isles of Scilly, and notified by email rather than agenda. In addition to the reports made to the Council by the Council’s representative, any notes are forwarded to Councillors.

Hayle River Stakeholders Group:

Councillor Murley and the Clerk appointed to attend on behalf of the Council.  Meetings are organised by Cornwall Council’s Countryside Team, and are held quarterly on Teams.  The agenda is circulated prior to the meeting and the to the Council.  In addition to the reports made to the Council by the Council’s representatives, the notes of the meetings are forwarded to Councillors.