Budget Working Group

Terms of Reference


Any Councillors that wish to attend and the Clerk


Four councillors

Lead Councillor:



Usually held in November as part of the budget preparations, and may be held either virtually or in person as agreed by the members.


The Working Group:

  • has no delegated powers or authorities;
  • reports to Full Council;
  • will act at all times in accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders, Code of Conduct, Financial Regulations, GDPR & Freedom of Information Act 2000.

To consider and make recommendations to the Parish Council for a budget for the following financial year, based on the following areas, as outlined in the Joint Panel on Accountability & Governance (JPAG) Practitioners Guide updated March 2023:

  • decide the form and level of detail of the budget;
  • review the current year budget and spending;
  • determine the cost of spending plans;
  • assess levels of income;
  • bring together spending and income plans; and
  • provide for contingencies and consider the need for reserves.


Reviewed and approved by the Council on 7th May 2024 under minute reference 014/05/24-25aii)