Governance Committee

Current Members

Councillors Buzza, Greatrex, Lee, Moore & Spencer-Smith


Terms of Reference


Membership of the Committee shall be:
a) five members of St Erth Parish Council; and
b) any individuals and/or representatives of community groups as and when required, co-
opted in an advisory, non-voting capacity.

Conduct of meetings

The Committee will act at all times in accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders.


On behalf of the Council, the committee will review, if required, on an annual basis, the matters listed below and should amendments be required, make recommendations to the next ordinary meeting of the Council:

  • Standing Orders and Financial Regulations
  • arrangements, including any charters, with other local authorities and contributions made to expenditure incurred by other local authorities
  • in an election year and if applicable, if the Council’s period of eligibility to exercise the power of wellbeing expires the day before the annual meeting, review and make arrangements to reaffirm eligibility
  • inventory of land and assets, including buildings and office equipment
  • arrangements for insurance cover in respect of all insured risks
  • the Council’s and/or employees’ memberships of other bodies
  • complaints procedures
  • procedures for handling requests made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Data Protection Act 1998
  • policy for dealing with the press/media

The list above does not limit the ability of the Committee to consider other matters which are related to the governance arrangements for the Council.

The Council reviewed and updated this document on 16th February 2021 under minute reference 213/20-21c)