Constitution and Terms of Reference

Constitution and Terms of Reference – Council Committees & Working Groups


1. Charges Committee
2. General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) Working Group
3. Governance Committee
4. Budget Working Group
5. Communications & Engagement Working Group
6. Highway Improvements Working Group
7. Open Spaces Committee
8. Vestry Rooms Working Group
9. Higher Vestry Working Group
10. Website Working Group

1. Charges Committee


Membership of the committee shall be:

a) five members of St Erth Parish Council; and
b) any individuals and/or representatives of community groups as and when required, co-
opted in an advisory, non-voting capacity.

Conduct of meetings

The committee will act at all times in accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders which apply to committees.

Terms of reference

The committee will, on an annual basis, review all charges agreed by the Council, having regard to comparative information from other service providers and any other external considerations such as the rate of inflation etc.

The Council reviewed and updated this document on 14 May 2019

2. General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) Working Group


Membership of the Working Group shall be:

a) the Clerk and three members of St Erth Parish Council; and
b) any individuals, as and when required, co-opted in an advisory, non-voting capacity.

Conduct of meetings

The Working Group will act at all times in accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders which apply to Working Groups.

Terms of reference

To consider and make recommendations to the Parish Council on the action required in order to implement and comply with the GDPR.

The Council approved this document on 14 May 2019

3. Governance Committee


1. Membership

Membership of the committee shall be:

a) five members of St Erth Parish Council; and
b) any individuals and/or representatives of community groups as and when required, co-
opted in an advisory, non-voting capacity.

Conduct of meetings

The committee will act at all times in accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders which apply to committees.

Terms of reference

On behalf of the Council, the committee will review, on an annual basis, the matters listed below and should amendments be required, make recommendations to the next ordinary meeting of the Council:

  • standing orders and financial regulations
  • arrangements, including any charters, with other local authorities and contributions made to expenditure incurred by other local authorities
  • in an election year and if applicable, if the Council’s period of eligibility to exercise the power of wellbeing expires the day before the annual meeting, review and make arrangements to reaffirm eligibility
    inventory of land and assets, including buildings and office equipment
  • arrangements for insurance cover in respect of all insured risks
  • the Council’s and/or employees’ memberships of other bodies
  • complaints procedures
  • procedures for handling requests made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Data Protection Act 1998
  • policy for dealing with the press/media.

Any changes agreed at an ordinary meeting of the Council during the municipal year, will be drawn to the attention of the Council at its Annual meeting.

The list above does not limit the ability of the committee to consider other matters which are related to the governance arrangements for the Council.

The Council reviewed and updated this document on 14 May 2019

4. Budget Working Group

Terms of Reference

Membership of the Working Group shall be:

a) the Clerk and any Councillors that wish to attend

Conduct of meetings

The Working Group will act at all times in accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders.


To consider and make recommendations to the Parish Council for a budget for the following financial year, based on the following areas, as outlined in the Joint Panel on Accountability & Governance (JPAG) Practitioners Guide updated March 2020:

  • decide the form and level of detail of the budget;
  • review the current year budget and spending;
  • determine the cost of spending plans;
  • assess levels of income;
  • bring together spending and income plans; and
  • provide for contingencies and consider the need for reserves

The Council approved this document on 17th November 2020

5. Communications & Engagement Working Group

Terms of Reference

Membership of the Working Group shall be:

a) five members of St Erth Parish Council;
b) any individuals and / or representatives of community groups, as and when required, co-opted in an advisory, non-voting capacity.

Conduct of meetings

The Working Group will act at all times in accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders.


To consider and make recommendations to the Parish Council on the most effective and efficient ways to communicate and engage with residents and others on matters which affect the community and the work of the Parish Council.

To develop a communication and engagement strategy, which will contain specified objectives and targets by which the achievement of those objectives can be monitored and measured.

This strategy should be underpinned by the following aims, that the Council is:

  • regarded by others as being inclusive through the use of multiple channels of communication;
  • able to participate effectively in online discussions on behalf of its residents; and
  • able to demonstrate that its decision-making, on significant issues, is informed and robust, having first had meaningful dialogue with interested parties.

The Council reviewed and approved this document on 3rd November 2020

6. Highway Improvements Working Group


1. Membership

Membership of the Working Group shall be:

a) three members of St Erth Parish Council; and
b) any individuals and/or representatives of community groups as and when required, co-
opted in an advisory, non-voting capacity.

Conduct of meetings

The Working Group will act at all times in accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders which apply to Working Groups.

Terms of reference

To consider and make recommendations to the Parish Council on:

1. undertaking a mapping exercise to identify: what the current highway related problems are and when, where and why they occur; and potential problems which could arise in the future, resulting from housing and other developments;

2. identifying potential options to tackle these problems, given the Parish Councils limited financial resources and legal powers, including:

  • improvements to manage more effectively current traffic flow;
  • methods to reduce traffic volume; and
  • a system that can cope with larger volumes at peak times;

3. compiling a priority list of improvement proposals based on traffic survey data and advice from Cornwall Council (as the Highway Authority) and/or others; and

4. ways to consult and engage residents, Community Groups and neighbouring councils as appropriate, to support and inform this work.

The Council approved this document on 14 May 2019

7. Open Spaces Committee

1. Membership

Membership of the committee shall be:

a) five members of St Erth Parish Council and a representative of the St Erth Residents
Association, usually the Chairman, co-opted in an advisory, non-voting capacity; and

b) any individuals and/or representatives of community groups, as and when required, co-
opted in an advisory, non-voting capacity.

Conduct of meetings

The committee will act at all times in accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders which apply to committees.

Terms of reference

Having regard to the Parish Plan and the developing Neighbourhood Plan, the committee is appointed to make recommendations to the Council on the development and implementation of a leisure and recreation strategy and as part of that strategy, consider:

a) options for the use, improvement and development of the existing leisure, recreation and
open space facilities within the Parish, excluding the Cemetery and organised sports;

b) what the priorities should be for leisure, recreation and use of open spaces and prioritise
budget provision accordingly; and

c) funding opportunities to achieve those prioritie

The Council reviewed and updated this document on 14 May 2019

8. Vestry Rooms Working Group

1. Membership

Membership of the Working Group shall be:

a) the Clerk and four members of St Erth Parish Council; and
b) any individuals, as and when required, co-opted in an advisory, non-voting capacity.

Conduct of meetings

The Working Group will act at all times in accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders which apply to Working Groups.

Terms of reference

To oversee the project plan for the renovation and modernisation of the Vestry Rooms and make recommendations to the Parish Council on the decisions required to progress the project.

The Council approved this document on 14 May 2019

9. Higher Vestry Working Group


Membership of the Working Group shall be:

a) the Clerk and three members of St Erth Parish Council;
b) representatives of the Chapel Committee; and
c) any individuals, as and when required, co-opted in an advisory, non-voting capacity.

Conduct of meetings

The Working Group will act at all times in accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders which apply to Working Groups.


To explore options with the Chapel Committee in relation to the Higher Vestry and the general use of the building, and make recommendations to the Parish Council on any decisions required to progress this.

The Council approved this document on 6th October 2020

10. Website Working Group

Terms of Reference

Membership of the Working Group shall be:

a) the Council Website admins, Chairman of the Communications & Engagement Committee and 2 other Councillors

Conduct of meetings

The Working Group will act at all times in accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders.


To consider and make recommendations to the Parish Council in relation to:
• Website compliance with WCAG 2.1AA accessibility standards
• Options to update, rebuild or renew the website
• Specifications for a rebuild / renewal taking into account communication strategy
• Associated costs
• How the PC would maintain the website in relation to costs, training etc.
• Report back to Council

The Council approved this document on 1st December 2020