General Parish News

Vestry Rooms Survey

Vestry Rooms Survey

The Vestry Rooms is currently in a poor state of repair, needing urgent attention and potentially a significant amount of time and money spent on it.  To help inform any decisions made, we want to ensure that we take into account the needs of our residents, whilst...

Riverbank Community Working Group

Riverbank Community Working Group

We are looking for residents who would be interested in joining a Community Working Group to focus on Section 2 of the River Hayle, which, as outlined in the Hayle River Vision Plan shown above, runs from St Erth bridge to the Green Lane gauging station.  This section...

Peninsula Transport Strategy Consultation

Peninsula Transport Strategy Consultation

Peninsula Transport’s consultation on the draft Peninsula Transport Strategy is open until 5th February.  Read the strategy and have your say: Peninsula Transport are hosting free webinars this...

Consultation re Paths 111/50, 112/51 & 112/52

Consultation re Paths 111/50, 112/51 & 112/52

To add a Restricted Byway at Penberthy and upgrade Footpath 51 & Footpath 52 (part) & Footpath 92 St Hilary & Footpath 50 St Erth to a Restricted Byway , St Erth and St Hilary CP  Cornwall Council is considering an application from Cycling UK for an Order...

Christmas Opening Hours

Christmas Opening Hours

Please note that the Parish Council office will be closed from 3pm on Tuesday 19th December and will be reopening on Tuesday 2nd January 2024. There are many things which can be reported directly to Cornwall Council using their online 'report it' system - at this...

Official Launch Event

Official Launch Event

What a fantastic event last Saturday to officially launch our mini ramp in Battery Mill play park. There are lots of people we would like to thank (and sorry in advance if we have forgotten anyone!): Maverick Skateparks for building the mini ramp and all your...

New Access for All Footbridge at St Erth Station

New Access for All Footbridge at St Erth Station

A message from Network Rail regarding work to replace St Erth Footbridge We have now started work to replace the footbridge at St Erth station with a new footbridge with lifts to make the station fully accessible to all platforms.  Work commenced on Monday 4 September...

Official Launch Event

Official Launch Event

Following the completion of the mini ramp over the summer we look forward to you joining us for our official 'launch event' on Saturday 30th September 12.00 - 4.00pm.  After the official 'ribbon cutting' the MC will run the jam which will be very informal and geared...

Maintenance work at Battery Mill play park

Maintenance work at Battery Mill play park

Please note that the play park will be closed on Tuesday 5th & Wednesday 6th September for maintenance work. Whilst this is being carried out we will also be removing the graffiti that has sprung up over the summer. Due to the amount on the multi play activity...

River Hayle Footpath Volunteer Day – 15th August

River Hayle Footpath Volunteer Day – 15th August

On Tuesday 15th August the West Country Rivers Trust is teaming up with Cormac and Cornwall Council to install Green Bank repairs at points of erosion along the River Hayle, where loss of the river bank poses a risk to the adjacent footpath.  They are looking for...

Mini Ramp completed

Mini Ramp completed

We are delighted to let you know that the mini ramp has been completed and the play park at Battery Mill is now re-open. We are sure you will agree that Maverick has done a fantastic job and we look forward to everyone having a lot of fun on the ramp. The entrance to...

Installation of Mini Ramp starting 26th June

Installation of Mini Ramp starting 26th June

We are delighted to advise residents that work will be commencing on the construction of the new mini skate ramp in Battery Mill Play Park on Monday 26th June.  Please note that the whole play park will be closed for approximately 4 weeks whilst Maverick undertake the...